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Friday 9 April 2021

Benefits of having mangos in summer

 Benefits of having mangos in summer


Mango is low in calories yet high in nutrients — particularly vitamin C, which aids immunity, iron absorption and growth and repair.

  • High in Antioxidants. 
  • May Boost Immunity. 

  • May Support Heart Health. 
  • May Improve Digestive Health. 
  • May Support Eye Health.
  • May Improve Hair and Skin Health.

Friday 5 March 2021

5 drinks you should have during Summer

 5 drinks you should have during Summer!

Summer Care: 5 Health Drinks you want to load On During Summer

1.Ginger Tea. Ginger features a very powerful active ingredient called zingiber which will eliminate bacterial pathogens that always attack the stomach and compromise its digestive function. ...
2.Coriander mint tea. ...
3.Basil lemonade. ...
4.Coconut water. ...
5.Barley water.

Effective Summer Tips for Drinking More Water

  1. 1.Drink a Non-Sweetened Beverage. Many of us find plain water bland and boring. ...
  2. 2.Carry a Water Bottle. Make it a point to carry a water bottle wherever you go, especially during summer. ...
  3. 3.Eat Juicy Fruits. ...
  1. 4.Include Vegetable Soups in your Diet. ...
  2. 5.Last Few Words.

Sunday 17 January 2021

How to Create a Home Gym Out of Common home items

 How to Create a Home Gym Out of Common home items!

Household Items That Double as Home Workout Equipment

1. Use a hand towel as a slider. ...
2. Use laundry detergent as a kettlebell. ...

3. Use a folding chair as a bench for triceps dips. ...

Sit on your chair or bench together with your arms at your side and your feet flat on the ground , hip distance apart. Position your hands in order that your palms are down beside your hips. Your fingers should grip the front of the chair seat. Move your torso forward off the chair together with your arms extended

4. Use a backpack as a weighted vest. ...
5. Use a couch cushion as a BOSU. ...

6. Use a bike pump for triceps strength.

Use Ordinary home items as Fitness Equipment

A towel
One person’s towel is another person’s resistance band! Use a towel to assist with stretching or for a killer arm workout. trying to find a leg challenge? On a smooth floor, assume the plank position with alittle towel under each of your feet. Then, during a very slow and controlled manner, try gliding your legs apart then back together again. Feel the burn!

A wall
You won’t find a home without a minimum of four of these! Walls provide stability when you’re practicing some stretching, or working your quads and glutes by performing some wall-sits.

Why invest during a StairMaster when you’ve got a wonderfully good staircase at home? Walking or running the steps may be a good way to urge your heart pumping and glutes burning—without spending a cent.

A broom
Besides sweeping, a brush also can give your core, hips and glutes a workout. Next time you’re sweeping the ground , shake things up by adding some hip hinges or oblique twists to your usual routine.

A chair
A sturdy chair (without wheels) can make a superb addition to your workout routine, whether you’re trying to perfect your squats or practice some leg raises. Throw a second chair into the combination and practice some tricep dips. For a good greater challenge, inspect this 5-5-5 Chair Workout that comes with strength, cardio, and adaptability .

A countertop
Strengthen your arms and chest by practicing several sets of countertop push-ups. These are an excellent activity to sneak in while you’re expecting water to boil or the oven to pre-heat.

Read more:-

Sunday 27 December 2020

Best Idea for Physical Fitness At Home


8 Fantastic Home Workout Ideas

1. The Plank. Is there a simpler exercise to try than the plank? ...

2. Video Workouts at Home. Here at Everyone Active, we boast a huge library of video  workouts and training plans for you to try at home. ...

3. Give Dancing a go! ...

4. Lunges. ...

5. Use the Stairs. ...

6. Skipping Rope. ...

7. Yoga. ...

8. Pilates.

Exercise and Physical Activity Ideas

Water exercises:
Treading water with moderate effort
Water aerobics or water calisthenics
Kayaking, canoeing, white-water rafting
Springboard or platform diving
Paddle boating

Outdoor activities:
Fishing and hunting
Playing with a Frisbee
Children's games, like hopscotch, 4-square, and dodge ball
Playing on playground equipment
Downhill skiing
Shovelling snow

Activity at the office
If your job includes many sitting, try adding these short bursts of activity to your day:

Use your commute to try to to some extra walking. Park several blocks away, or get off the bus a couple of stops early.
Use the steps rather than the elevator, a minimum of for a couple of floors.
Suggest holding meetings with colleagues during a walk inside or outside the building.
Go the additional distance when possible: Get your coffee on another floor (use the stairs) or use the washroom that is the farthest from your office.
If you would like to talk to a co-worker, walk thereto person's office or station instead of using e-mail or the phone.
Use your morning and afternoon breaks to require quick 15-minute walks.

Read More blogs -

Friday 25 December 2020

What to do to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19


Wear a mask. Save lives.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

1.Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.

2.Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

3.Wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.

4.Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

5.Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

6.Stay home if you feel unwell.

7.If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.

How to Avoid covid-19 

Maintain a minimum of a 1-metre distance between yourself et al. to scale back your risk of infection once they cough, sneeze or speak. Maintain a good greater distance between yourself et al. when indoors. The further away, the higher .

Make wearing a mask a traditional a part of being around people . the acceptable use, storage and cleaning or disposal are essential to form masks as effective as possible.

Clean your hands before you set your mask on, also as before and after you're taking it off, and after you touch it at any time.

Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin.

When you begin a mask, store it during a clean bag , and each day either wash it if it’s a cloth mask, or eliminate a medical mask during a ashcan .

Don’t use masks with valves.

Ref website -

Sunday 13 December 2020

Psychological state and general wellness tips for winter

Here are some psychological state and general wellness tips for winter so you'll stay healthy during the colder, darker season:

1. Frequent Hand Washing. ...
2. Head to a Sauna or Steam Room. ...
3. Take Vitamin Supplements. ...
4. Drink Herbal Teas. ...
5.  Sleep Longer and Better. ...

6. Practice Meditation and Relaxation. ...
7. Get Social. ...
8.  Plan a Vacation.

  1. Check out our winter health tips to assist confirm you stay healthy throughout the winter.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet of Fruit and Veggies 

don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. If you would like to remain healthy through the winter, you would like to enhance your diet.

Drop salty snacks and sugary treats for more greens and whole foods. you'll even eat typical winter veggies, like carrots and potatoes, to stay your system healthy within the weather .

2. Make Sure You Stay Hydrated 

We’re always reminded to remain hydrated during the summer, but it’s important to drink many water within the winter too. 
When you exercise in weather you'll wear multiple layers, which could cause you to sweat. 
You need to exchange this water loss by drinking more. Don’t forget to stay your electrolytes up and stand back from alcohol, coffee, and tea, as these drinks will only

Thursday 5 November 2020

Best Health and Wellbeing Activities for Happy Students

Best Health and Wellbeing Activities for Happy Students

Here at winter Boarding Courses, we make sure that our students have the time to relax, exercise, be creative and spend time with their newfound friends. Mental and physical wellbeing is that the key to a happier, more productive sociable student who will have a greater understanding of the way to work well with others and manage their time effectively. Read on to seek out out more about the heath and wellbeing activities we like to include in our Summer Schools. 

What is wellbeing?

Wellbeing for all times is feeling comfortable, healthy and happy. this is often not only physically but mentally too. There are many activities that you simply can do to enhance and maintain your physical and mental wellbeing.