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Showing posts with label Vitamin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamin. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 October 2020

7 Health tips this winter Season

 7 Health tips this winter Season

While the winter season might increase the danger for weather-related injury, the most important risk to our overall health may be a lack of attention to diet and exercise routines. During the vacations , we discover ourselves so busy finalizing travel plans, finishing with tasks at work, buying and wrapping gifts and crossing everything off of our checklists that we forget to prioritize our healthy habits.

Some health tips

1.Frequent Hand Washing.

2.Head to a Sauna or Steam Room

3.Take Vitamin Supplements

4.Drink Herbal Teas.

5.Sleep Longer and Better

Eat More Fiber

While the winter season might increase the danger for weather-related injury, the most important risk to our overall health may be a lack of attention to diet and exercise routines. During the vacations , we discover ourselves so busy finalizing travel plans, finishing with tasks at work, buying and wrapping gifts and crossing everything off of our checklists that we forget to prioritize our healthy habits.

As if all the insanity of the vacations isn’t detrimental enough to our healthy habits, the chilly and unsightly weather also can make it very difficult to seek out the motivation to urge to the gym or head outdoors for exercises. In tandem with this, the extra time spent indoors means many folks snack quite we might typically at other times of the year. this mix which will quickly add on the pounds and reduce our happiness and self-esteem over time.


Thursday 13 August 2020

Diet and Nutrition plan for your body when you has flu!

 Diet and Nutrition plan for your body when you has flu!

When you or your dear one suffers from flu, the last item you would possibly desire doing is eating. it's definitely fine to eat a touch less with the flu, as you'll have a reduced appetite.

Still, you'll require to eat small portions of the proper foods to provide you with energy and nutrients while you recover.

Diet and nutrition tips

1.Eat many fruit and veg. ...

2.Eat more fish, including some of oily fish. ...

3.Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. ...

4.Eat less salt: no quite 6g each day for adults

5.Base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates. ...

foods to eat when one has flu.


While one might imagine of garlic as a food flavoring agent, it's actually been used as an alternate medicine for various ailments since past . Garlic consumption while having the flu can enhance immunity and reduce symptoms of severity. Consuming raw garlic also can be beneficial. due to the immune-boosting effects, consider eating garlic at the primary symptoms of the flu.


Yogurt having live cultures not only supports soothe a pharyngitis but also can enhance your system . Yogurt also includes protein. One can eat yogurt while his/her throat is sore, but make certain to choose whole yogurts without adding any sugar.

Leafy Greens

Spinach, amaranth, methi and other leafy greens also can assist enhance your system once you have the flu. They contain both vitamin C and E, another immune-boosting nutrient. consider mixing leafy greens with fruit as a smoothie, or consume them raw with added juice . it's better to possess these immunity-boosting foods throughout the duration while you're ill.

Vitamin C Based Fruits

Vitamin C is an important nutrient to assist boost your system , which is especially important when one is sick. Though supplements can help, your body can get nutrients like vitamin C more effectively from the foods, you eat.

Consider consuming vitamin C–rich fruits while you're affected by the flu. Fruits like oranges, strawberries, watermelons, and pineapples are a number of the simplest sources of vitamin C .

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